MAES administers research funds provided by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA). These funds address food and agricultural issues through several funding mechanisms and are a key component of the University's Land-Grant research mission.
MAES also oversees fund distribution and administration for key state funded programs including the Rapid Agricultural Response Fund, the Small Grains Initiative, and the Avian Influenza Grant Program.
Federal Research Programs
Federal Capacity Funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) provide vital support for a broad base of critically important research and extension programs that address local, state, and national issues.
Hatch is a nationally supported program funded by USDA-NIFA. These agricultural funds are provided to Experiment Stations in each state to support basic infrastructure and scientific expertise. Researchers contribute to research projects in accordance with the Hatch Act.
Hatch Multistate
Hatch Multistate grants provide funds for cooperative research to solve problems that concern more than one state. Multistate projects bring scientists, Extension educators, and other university, federal, and industry partners together to tackle high-priority issues.
The McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Program has supported forestry research that helps grow the economy, solve the world’s most pressing forest management problems and train graduate students on how to protect and enhance our forests for future generations to enjoy.
Animal Health
Animal Health grants support research that relates specifically to diseases of agricultural animals.
NIFA Competitive Funds
Once awarded, USDA-NIFA competitive funds are managed via the NIFA Reporting System
State Research Programs
The Minnesota Legislature designates funds to tackle emerging challenges and to support opportunity research and extension programs across Minnesota's agricultural industry.
Rapid Agricultural Response Fund
Dating back to 1998, the Rapid Agricultural Response Fund (RARF) provides state funds that are granted to agricultural and natural resources research initiatives needing special emphasis or rapid response.
Ag State Special Fund
State funds provided to MAES and Extension are used in support of research and programs throughout the various partner colleges.
Small Grains Initiative
Dating back to 1994, the Small Grains Initiative (SGI) provides a means for the U of M to initiate or accelerate problem solving or opportunity research, and associated extension programs, and to support and sustain Minnesota's wheat and barley industry.
Avian Influenza Grant Program
The Avian Influenza Grant Program supports research to determine the causes of avian influenza, why some fowl are more susceptible, and what measures could be taken to prevent disease outbreaks.